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no-repeat; background-position: 24% 60%; background-size: 15px 15px; } .breadcrumbs { display: block; } .breadcrumbs li:not(:first-child):not(.last-parent):not(.last-child) { display: inline-block; } .breadcrumbs li:not(:first-child):not(.last-child) .text-inner { max-width: 4rem; } .breadcrumbs li:first-child .text-inner { max-width: 8rem; } .breadcrumbs .last-parent .text-inner { max-width: 4rem; } .breadcrumbs .last-child { max-width: 17rem; } } /*# sourceMappingURL=style.css.map */ /* Start code for Google Custom Search */ .google-search-for-main-section-container.js-search-is-open .gsc-control-searchbox-only, .header.js-search-is-open .gsc-control-searchbox-only { display: block; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .google-search-container, .header .google-search-container { float: right; width: 16.872em; transition: width .3s ease; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .google-search-container.full-width, .header .google-search-container.full-width { width: 100%; } 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td.gsc-input, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td.gsc-input { padding-right: 0; position: relative; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input { font-size: 1.22em!important; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: none; border: none; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, serif; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gsst_b, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gsst_b { position: static!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gstl_50, .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gstl_51, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gstl_50, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gstl_51 { margin-bottom: 0; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gsib_b, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td .gsib_b { display: none; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input { background: url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search.png") no-repeat 10px #f9f9f9!important; width: 100%; height: 2.27em!important; background-color: #f9f9f9!important; padding: 0 7px; border: 1px solid #e1e1e1; margin-bottom: .2em; padding: 0 30px 0 35px!important; box-sizing: border-box; background-size: auto, 10px!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input.empty, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input.empty { background: url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/googlelogo_lightgrey_46x16dp.png") 40px no-repeat, url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search.png") no-repeat 10px #f9f9f9!important; text-indent: 71px!important; } 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background: #f9f9f9 url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search.png") no-repeat 50%; text-shadow: none; text-indent: -9999px; display: none; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td.gsc-clear-button, .header .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td.gsc-clear-button { display: none; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box .close-search, .header .gsc-search-box .close-search { background: url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search_x_button.png"); display: block; background-size: 15px; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; cursor: pointer; background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 36px!important; background-position: 50%; width: 2.5em!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-search-box .close-search-placeholder, .header .gsc-search-box .close-search-placeholder { display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; height: 36px!important; width: 2.5em!important; } .gsc-control-cse { padding: 0!important; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-orderby-label { vertical-align: top; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-orderby:after, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-orderby :after, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-result-info:after, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-result-info :after, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .latest_updated-section:after { display: none!important; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-result-info, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-result-info-container { padding-left: 0!important; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-above-wrapper-area { border-bottom: none; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay table.gsc-above-wrapper-area-container, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay table.gsc-resultsHeader { margin-bottom: 0; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay table.gsc-above-wrapper-area-container td, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay table.gsc-resultsHeader td { border: none; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gs-spelling-original { margin-bottom: 1.5em; } 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.gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result a.gs-title, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result a.gs-title b { color: #000; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result .gs-snippet, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result div.gs-title, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result .gs-snippet, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result div.gs-title { display: block; padding-bottom: .4em; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result .gsc-url-top .gs-visibleUrl, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result .gsc-url-top .gs-visibleUrl { color: green; padding-bottom: 0; line-height: 1.4em; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result:hover, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result:hover { border-left: 0; padding-left: 0; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result td, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result td { border: none; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result td.gsc-thumbnail, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result td.gsc-thumbnail { display: none; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result { margin-bottom: 0 } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result .gs-title, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result .gs-title { display: none!important } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result td, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result td { padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-bottom: 0!important; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-imageResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result td .gs-bidi-start-align.gs-snippet, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-webResult.gsc-result .gsc-table-result td .gs-bidi-start-align.gs-snippet { padding-bottom: 0!important; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-cursor-box { text-align: center; padding: 3em 0 1em; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-cursor-box .gsc-cursor .gsc-cursor-page { font-weight: 700; text-decoration: none; color: #999; transition: color .25s ease; font-size: 1.1em; margin-right: .8em; display: inline-block; } .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-cursor-box .gsc-cursor .gsc-cursor-page.gsc-cursor-current-page, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-cursor-box .gsc-cursor .gsc-cursor-page:focus, .gsc-results-wrapper-nooverlay .gsc-cursor-box .gsc-cursor .gsc-cursor-page:hover { background: transparent; text-shadow: none; color: #333; padding: 0; } .gsc-completion-container tbody tr td { border: none; font-size: .95em; padding-top: .375em; padding-bottom: .375em; cursor: pointer; } .gsc-completion-container tbody tr td b { font-weight: 400; } .gsc-completion-container tbody tr:nth-of-type(2n+2) td { background: #fff !important; } .gsc-completion-container table tbody tr th, table tbody tr td { background: #fff !important; } .gsc-completion-container tbody tr.gsc-completion-selected td { background: #e5e5e5; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input, .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input.empty, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input.empty { text-indent: 50px!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:focus, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:focus { text-indent: 0!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:not(:placeholder-shown), .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:not(:placeholder-shown) { text-indent: 0!important; } @media only screen and (min-width:31em) and (max-width:53em) { .google-search-for-main-section-container .google-search-container, .header .google-search-container, .header #___gcse_0 { width: 100%!important; } .header .google-search-container .gsc-input-box{ padding: 0; border-radius: 0; } .google-search-container { display: none; } } @media only screen and (max-width:31em) { .google-search-container { display: none; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .google-search-container, .header .google-search-container { width: 100%; height: 45px; margin-top: 5px; } .header .google-search-container .gsc-input-box{ padding:0; border-radius:0; } .google-search-for-main-section-container #___gcse_0, .google-search-for-main-section-container .google-search-container.full-width, .header #___gcse_0, .header .google-search-container.full-width { width: 100%!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only { padding-top: 0; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input { height: 45px; padding: 0 10px; background: url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search.png") no-repeat 10px #f9f9f9!important; background-color: #f9f9f9!important; background-size: auto, auto!important; padding: 0 30px 0 35px!important; box-sizing: border-box; text-indent: 50px!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input.empty, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input.empty { background: url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/googlelogo_lightgrey_46x16dp.png") 35px no-repeat, url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search.png") no-repeat 10px #f9f9f9!important; text-indent: 45px!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:focus, .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:focus { background: url("/static-assets/other/assets/img/icons/search.png") no-repeat 10px #f9f9f9!important; text-indent: 0!important; padding-right: 2.5em; } .google-search-for-main-section-container .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:not(:placeholder-shown), .header .gsc-control-searchbox-only .gsc-search-box table.gsc-search-box td input.gsc-input:not(:placeholder-shown) { text-indent: 0!important; } .google-search-for-main-section-container 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